Book Your 1-On-1 Free Consultation And Take Your First Step Towards Health Transformation

Book Your 1-On-1

Free Consultation And Take Your First Step Towards Health


I AM...

(One Of The Following)

  • A leader

  • A healthy skeptic

  • A free-thinker

  • A doer

  • A change-maker

  • An action-taker

  • A high-achiever

  • A self-starter


  • I take full responsibility for my health and actions

  • I believe in myself and have what it takes to thrive

  • I am looking something different than conventional and functional medicine

  • I want to optimize my health this year so I can manifest the life I want

  • I’m ready now

  • I take full responsibility for my health and actions

  • I believe in myself and have what it takes to thrive

  • I am looking something different than conventional and functional medicine

  • I want to optimize my health this year so I can manifest the life I want

  • I’m ready now

What will we be doing during the program?

Haven’s 4-month program is built on the foundation of taking responsibility for your health through your daily actions. Those actions include your what you eat; creating a healthy home environment; detoxifying your body and life; optimizing your sleep, morning routine, sunlight, daily schedule; and improving your mental, emotional, and spiritual health. In other words, we will change the conditions of your life from what is currently not working to what is optimal for you. This is what we will be working through.

In order to figure out what you need and in what order, we will do a deep dive assessment including an initial Health History and a number of holistic evaluations. We meet weekly to bi-weekly over zoom through the duration of your program, so we will continue to observe how your body responds to the action steps and strategies we implement and modify as we go.

Everyone has unique needs based on their job, home life, schedule, finances, etc, so everything we do is personalized to your life. No cookie cutters. No plug and play protocols.

What are your typical results?

You can read the hundreds of reviews and watch the many testimonials to have confidence in our process. Thousands of people have gone through our proven process and have gotten dramatic results. The biggest difference maker that we see in those who experience real transformation is those that commit to the process and take responsibility to follow through between appointments. The rubber meets the road with your daily actions. We are here to guide you in what to do, how to do it, and in what order of priority. But it all comes down to making the necessary changes to align your life with your health goals.

Will you heal me?

Definitely not. If you are looking for someone to heal you, our programs are not going to work for you. That is the model of conventional medicine, where the doctor has all the answers and all the power. This is the model that we are moving away from.

Only you are capable of changing the way you eat, your environment, the way you live, and your mindset. And then nature and God does the rest. We are your expert guides, your coaches, and your partners in your healing process as we have gone through it ourselves. We are here to teach you how to heal yourself.

How much do Haven’s cost? How much do supplements cost?

Haven’s programs are a mid 4-figure to low 5-figure investment, depending on your particular needs. We do not take insurance. We can accept HSA and FSA payments if this is available to you. Supplement costs usually range from $100 - $300 per month.

What if it doesn't work?

We do not guarantee results because we can’t track your every thought, action or words. Nor do we want to. What we can say is that it would be highly unlikely to not get results if you completely change the inputs that are specific for your health. Changing the input creates an opportunity to get a different output.

Remember, we are working with natures LAWS. Laws are laws because they do not change. You can count on them. When you put your body, mind, and life in alignment with health, detoxify the system, supercharge your nutrition, align your daily routines with nature, optimize your sleep, create a home sanctuary, and rewire the false belief systems holding you back, healing becomes an inevitability.

We do not offer refunds. While our expectation when you sign up is that you complete the 4-month process, if you would like to cancel the program at any time, we will honor that. (Only a handful of people have canceled the program throughout the years, usually due to personal reasons.)

What we do guarantee is that you will have a completely different perspective on health after your program. You will know exactly what you need to eat, what to supplement with, what to detoxify from and what to prioritize in your life with the tools, resources and support to do so. If you are able to commit to the process, we will hold nothing back in our commitment to get you results.

Are you doctors?

Yes… but we are not going to work with you like any doctor you have seen before.

We both attended naturopathic medical school at National University of Health Sciences, one of six accredited naturopathic medical schools in North America. The education consists of four years of post-bachelors medical education consisting of all of the basic sciences and clinical sciences of conventional medical school in addition to naturopathic courses in philosophy and various natural healing modalities. Therefore, we are trained to understand both western medical diagnosis and treatment of disease as well as the naturopathic approach to healing.

However, we have seen the dark side of the alternative and holistic healthcare. So, we had to seek out different mentors who were practicing what we believed to be the true path to healing. We spent time in California, New York, Florida and every where across the country, while we studied books that were falling apart at that seams, to learn the REAL medicine that we didn’t get taught.

We saw shamans, pastors, chiropractors, energy healers, acupuncturists, radionics practitioners, nutritionists, homeopaths and everyone else in between for our own healing and to learn the perspective that we were missing. Ultimately this led us back to the true nature of the Latin term “doctor” which means “teacher”. We found on our own journeys and the journey of our business that no expert can heal you because you have to heal yourself.

Our goal is to use all the education, mentors, healers, books, and everything else along the way (which has cost us almost a million dollars and has taken us 10+ years to uncover) to help you get the results that we know are possible. If you work with us, you will get everything we have ever learned, tried, used and all the knowledge of our successes and failures to heal in a sustainable and practical way.

Is this functional medicine?

NO. Many people turn to functional medicine as an alternative to address their health problems. But honesty, it’s the same paradigm as conventional medicine, just with green wrapping. We work with the LAWS of nature that have been understood since the beginning of medicine.

In traditional Naturopathic medicine, we observe the laws of nature and apply those principles to the human organism to tap into the healing force within to do the work. With this approach, we don’t push biochemical pathways or detoxification phases at whatever costs to change labs because you aren’t a machine—you are a human being. Supplements can’t heal you. Therapies can’t heal you. All illness is ultimately derived from living out of alignment with natural laws.

In today’s world, especially in America, living in alignment with nature is difficult because our entire society and culture is out of alignment. So how do we achieve this in today’s unhealthy environment?

First, we use our traditional holistic framework to identify specific imbalances, nutrient deficiencies, toxicities, dysfunctional living habits, subconscious belief patterns, poor organ functions and energetic blockages. Then, based on your unique imbalances, we apply the foundational principles of healing to build a plan that is specific to you and can be sustained for the long term.

This is how healing works. What tool or lifestyle change do you need to use, when, in what order, and why? If you get these questions right, it is virtually impossible to not see a change in your health because God created our bodies to thrive, not just survive, on this planet.

Am I the right fit for Haven?

Only you can answer that question because no one can heal you except for you. There is a saying in our community: “The calvary ain’t coming!” That means that no one is coming to save you. You have to take the actions to create the change you want in your life. Getting transformational results requires transformational changes.

We work with people who know in their soul that there is another way to heal. They are unsatisfied with what they have tried and seen before. That is exactly why we created Haven—to offer a completely different approach to healing that most people have never been exposed to before. One that turns the tables with a total perspective shift. One that requires radical responsibility for the decisions that you make for your health (and life).

Thousands of people have embarked on this path with unbelievable stories of healing. If you are open-minded, a healthy skeptic, take responsibility and are willing to put in the work, welcome aboard.


Haven's Paradigm-Shifting Health Transformation Program is a minimum 4-month commitment. We do not take insurance. The 4-month program includes all tests and evaluations included in the total cost, paid in monthly installments.

Our services are 100% virtual. All appointments are over Zoom call. We work with people all over the world. Our evaluation process includes both at-home samples and blood tests drawn at a local lab. We do not offer any in-office therapies.

We do not act as primary care physicians, and we don't manage drugs or diagnose diseases. We help people to optimize their health and transform their life by tapping into the true power of nature within themselves. This requires a commitment to making lifestyle and diet change, detoxing, and addressing emotional blockages that are holding you back. For those willing to do what is necessary to heal, the results we see are absolutely life-changing.

Be warned: major life altering changes imminent.

If you are an individual who take full responsibility for your health and actions and are willing to do what it takes to heal, we want to help you get there.

Haven's Transformational Health Program is a minimum 4-month commitment. We do not take insurance. The 4-month program includes all tests and evaluations included in the total cost, paid in monthly installments.

Our services are 100% virtual. All appointments are over Zoom call. We work with people all over the world. Our evaluation process includes both at-home samples and blood tests drawn at a local lab. We do not offer any in-office therapies.

We do not act as primary care physicians, and we don't manage drugs or diagnose diseases. We help people to optimize their health and transform their life by tapping into the true power of nature within themselves. This requires a commitment to making lifestyle and diet change, detoxing, and addressing emotional blockages that are holding you back. For those willing to do what is necessary to heal, the results we see are absolutely life-changing.

Be warned: major life altering changes imminent.

If you are an individual who take full responsibility for your health and actions and are willing to do what it takes to heal, we want to help you get there.

Copyright 2024® - Haven Holistic Health